WEEK 69: A Need for Diligence
Hello friends. Well for me, as I am beginning to near the ending months of my mission I have realized a greet need for diligence. Some days the work seems too hard and the load too heavy to bear. The temptation of sleeping in is becoming more and more enticing as each day passes by. I often feel physically exhausted and sometimes unmotivated to do the work. The truth that I have found is on my own I can not meet the demands of this work. On my own I cannot complete this race I have started. The winds are beginning to blow and my mortal body isn't strong enough on its own to continue. But there is hope. I have found added strength beyond my own in staying focused on the simple doctrines the gospel of Jesus Christ has to offer. When I can't get out of bed, going to my knees in prayer seems to give me a breath of life for the day. When I feel unmotivated to go out, reading the scriptures and words of the past and modern day prophets gives me the desire to share this won...