WEEK 68: Kindness Needed!

Today I want to talk about something very important that I have really studied and come to learn this week.
In a world of negativity, gossip, backbiting, degrading words, insults , and comparisons, it is easy for one to lose sight of their divine potential and importance. As the standards of the world become more and more impossible to please, feelings of self worth decrease leading to anxiety and depression. When this happens the whispering of the devil pierces our ears telling us we will NEVER BE GOOD ENOUGH. And we believe it. We may forget that we are literally spirit sons and daughters of a Heavenly Father. 

In this world today there are enough distractions to make one feel down. There are magazines, posters and commercials showcasing "flawless" models dictating standards of beauty. These models are given the best clothes, makeup, and eventually extensive editing until perfection. The message of all of this ends up to be, If you don't look this way then you are not beautiful, you are not enough, you are not important... All around us, almost everywhere we turn the world will tell us we aren't good enough, and the truth is, in this world, we NEVER  will be.

My dear friends, I plead with you, don't add to the poisonous negativity of the world. There is enough.  What there is not enough of is wholesome, uplifting, and inspiring comments given out. If one goes out into the world only to receive, "you are worthless", they might start to believe it. If they later then come to the comfort of home, friendships, or even church social events and continue to hear it, they will definitely believe it. The sad news is, this is happening, devastatingly even in the most sacred place such as our homes. If you are participating in this in any way then stop. Immediately. As covenant makers who took upon them the name of Jesus Christ there is absolutely no place for that. Our Master and Savior never looked to tear down but only to build up, with love, compassion and charity towards all men. 

John Taylor, the third president of the church taught, "Treat one another with kindness... I hear a man say 'I hate such a man'. Why, I don't know a person that I hate in the world. The command is to love one another."
As we love one another as Jesus loves us, we will start to notice more fully the good in others. As we strive to fine the positives in someone, I promise that you will find them. As we allow our bowels to be filled with compassion and charity towards our brother, we will be more worthy of the spirit. The spirit is necessary to receive personal revelation which is so needed in our lives today, as we differentiate what the world expects of us and what God expects of us.

Kindness towards others leads to happiness in our own lives. Gordon B Hinckley taught, "Look deeper for the good, that we still our voices of insult and sarcasm, that we more generously compliment virtue and effort... Speak of one anothers virtues more than we speak of one anothers faults... Do not despair. Do not give up. Look for the sunlight through the clouds... Cultivate an attitude of happiness... The Lords plan is a plan of happiness.

It is my prayer that we all can choose to drown out the negativity of the world by positivity, optimism, love, compassion, and kindness. May God bless all of you for the much good that you are already doing. 
I know that our Savior lives. I know that the family is ordained of God and the home can be a safeguard from the evils and negativity of this world. I love you all. I miss you all, especially my family, but for now my family in Ghana needs me more.

Until next week!
Elder Pace


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